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sabato 20 novembre 2010

HOME FROM HOME A residency, a workshop and an exhibition by JAMESPLUMB

A bed born from a lucky encounter with a country window, a dining table made from the tips of roof timbers and parts of an old dresser, new additions to the Concrete Stitches series – a bench and chair made functional again by casting black concrete which has been moulded and sanded by hand, the dog-lamps Kodiak and Palomino born thanks to a collaboration with the director and photographer Bruce Weber, a chest of drawers made of old suitcases, a coffee and conversation table made by old books and candle holders, a night lamp projecting the moon, the beginnings of a small home cinema and other pieces that will be finished during the show- compose the nomadic house of the London duo in Milan.
Spazio Rossana Orlandi - Via Matteo Bandello 14-16 20123 Milan IT
Exhibition: November 22 – December 15, 2010, from 10 am to 7 pm (Sunday closed, except December sundays)

giovedì 11 novembre 2010

Home From Home, il diario: vi presentiamo Henry Oyhenart III

Henry Oynehart II, electric model, courtesy JAMESPLUMB

Tentiamo una definizione assoluta per ridefinire una casa indimenticabile nella memoria di chi la visita o la vive? Secondo noi, deve essere nomade, post-punk, curiosa e proattiva verso tutti gli scarti. Certo, poi, occorrono tonnellate di poesia, di quella di ottima fattura, da disseminare ogni dove per avere successo, se si sceglie di ridefinire una casa con questo vocabolario.

Home From Home, Diary 2: we introduce you Henry Oyhenart III

Henry Oyhenart II, From This Day Forward, Fuorisalone 2010, photo courtesy Danilo Capasso

"How can an all-in-all definition for an unforgettable home be reshaped?

With a nomadic, post-punk, curious aptitude toward discarded pieces, is one of the answers. Yes, of course: tons of poetry, of the excelling type, has to be disseminated to succeed in this case.

 "Love for us, love around each of our guests and for what is outside our walls, love for what we exhibit, use, preserve, restore and reassemble, re-think, re-work - in a word restore from oblivion" say JAMESPLUMB after finishing their last shooting with two international magazines (Elle Decoration, Wallpaper) who will report extensively in their January 2011 issues their work in progress for Home From Home, their first solo show at Spazio Rossana Orlandi with the collaboration of Diana Marrone, their pr and agent.

They are working on several pieces while commencing their third week of the workshop, visited by many curious customers and art lovers beside a good amount of International and Italian press.

Today we introduce Henry Oyhenart III, a new addition to their series called Monuments to the Anonymous, that has been preceded by Henry Oyhenart II (pictured), which was on show at From This Day Forward, during the Fuorisalone 2010. 

The designers are working with a little old furnace, experimenting with filling its tiny and rusty walls with beautiful silk thread from the Orlandi archive: in a sudden, "literary" gesture the forgotten furnace may become a centrepiece for our dining rooms, a subtle and beautiful functional sculpture. 
A new house for imagery or for escaped birds, a lighting piece with many new lives to come.

lunedì 8 novembre 2010

Home From Home: Diary 1

Per Me E Per Pochi, conversation table made from an old industrial stool, old books, old candle-holders
Old tie boxes are making friends with 70's chairs with metal frames, while piles of 50's warehouse trolleys are starting up courtyard conversations with benches, old office cabinets and chests which have peices missing.